FinView's TicketDesk module allows users to attach files to tasks, enhancing the system's capability for thorough and efficient case management. Whether it's an important document or a supportive image, here is how you can add an attachment to a task:

  1. Access the Task: From the FinView main menu, navigate to the TicketDesk and select the specific task to which you want to attach a file.
  2. Open Attachments Tab: In the task view, you will see two tabs at the top of the task window. Select the second tab titled 'Attachments'.
  3. Add a File: Once in the 'Attachments' tab, click on the '+' icon. This will open an import window where you can either drag and drop your files, or click on the window to open your computer's file explorer or manager.
  4. Upload the File: After adding your files to the import window, click 'Upload'. Your files will then be attached to the task and can be accessed by anyone who has access to the task.

Here's the additional benefit - if the task is linked to a specific case, the document you've uploaded will automatically be added to the documents library of that case. This means that not only does the task become more informative and complete, but the case it's linked to also gets enriched with additional data, keeping all the pertinent information in one centralized location. This automation aids in maintaining organization and efficiency, promoting better case management.


Darren Tebbitt
Loves rugby and tech stuff. Darren is focused on our strategic mission in scaling FinView globally.
Posted in:
Debt collection

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