Welcome to this guide on how to change the deadline date on a task using FinView. Follow these simple instructions to modify the task's deadline and ensure everything stays on track.

1. Click to open the task

From the task desk, select the ticket you want to open.

Click to open the task

2. Click on the deadline date

Click on the deadline date in the left panel of the task.

Click on the deadline date

3. Click on the date field

In the edit task window, click on the deadline date. You can enter the new deadline date in manually. Or, you can click the icon for the calendar to open.

Click on the date field

4. Select your date

Select the new date of the task.

Select your date

5. Click "Save"

Click save to confirm.

Click 'Save'

Thats it!. You can now change the deadline date of the task. If you have made a mistake, simply run through this process again.

Darren Tebbitt
Loves rugby and tech stuff. Darren is focused on our strategic mission in scaling FinView globally.
Posted in:
Debt collection

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